About Us

Update September 2023:
Your Outside Life started years ago as I worked towards building it while being a full time working new mom. Summer 2023 was going to be the "launch" but on May 17, 2023 my life changed forever when my daughter Aveline Lucille and our dog, Kemosabe were killed in a car crash. My body is broken. I don't know where I'm going but when I feel led to create something and put it out into the world, know that it's all painstaking.

Everything on this site is not "finished" or perfected so please give us grace as I fix issues as they arise. And always reach out to let me know about things amiss! 

Also - Profits from everything on the site will be added to the Avy's Memorial Playground Fund. Our hope is to build a much needed playground in our diverse neighborhood. If you want to learn more or connect check out the GoFundMe here: Avy's Memorial Playground GoFundMe

If you need quick attention email me at support@youroutsidelife.com or message us on YourOutsideLife on Instagram - or if you want to drop me a note, idea, share in this pain, email me personally at naimajeannette@gmail.com or DM me on instagram at naimajeannette. Sending what I have right back at ya, Love. 


Original About Us Section: 

Your Outside Life evolved from a need to see what we wanted more of in this world: Ethical, Environmentally Friendly, Supporting good causes, And Shouting from the mountain tops how valuable and important our Outside world is!

As a gal who loves the outdoors, seeing the detriment done to our environment daily is heartbreaking. Not to mention the destructive practices done to our fellow humans. Individual choices matter, but our mindset is more important to make broader changes with more widespread impacts. A mind that is opened to the idea that our outside world matters will be ready to make change. Supporting and sharing this mindset can help shift policies to reduce the big causes of climate change and financial inequity. 

So... I started a small biz with core ethics that embody more of what we need in the world - treat people well, use quality environmentally friendly products, be creative, help one another, and take care of the earth we live on.

A quick about me: I am an adventurer at heart with a love of the outdoors. And I'm not talking about the outdoors as a far off land, I mean right out your back door! Your front yard, back yard, local park, sidewalks, farmers markets, hiking trails, little creeks, big rivers, lakes, etc are all my jam. I'm trying to share the love of the outdoors with my two kiddos, trying to extract the love of outside from my dog, and bask in it all with my husband. 

I'm really out here trying to build something good that we can all be a part of. 

Join our community at #OutsideLife and #YourOutsideLife